Hi-Light Blue
Hi-Light is a temporary colorant used for effectively marking spray applications. Hi-Light improves applicator safety. It provides the applicator with an economical marker for broadcast, backpack, or general spot treatment. It can be used with spotgun, hand equipment, small broadcast equipment, boom-jet, and other spray application equipment. Hi-Light washes off equipment, clothing and skin with soap and water. By adding Hi-Light to spraying systems, spray application personnel are able to uniformly apply pesticides and liquid fertilizers. Hi-Light is compatible with most chemical compounds and is used in applications ranging from broadcasting of soil sterilants to spot treating with brush control products.
Application Rate:
- 4 to 12 oz. per 100 Gallons of Spray Solution.
- Aquatic Application - 32 oz. per 4-6 acres.
- Comes in: 1 Quart, 1 Gallon, & 2.5 Gallon.
Brand: Alligare